Our Advantages

Flexible MOQs

This adaptability is not merely fortuitous; it has been meticulously cultivated to cater to the multifaceted requirements of our international customer base.

Customized desgin service: Bring your concepts to life with our bespoke leather goods design services. Our team, comprised of expert in-house designers, skilled leather technicians, and talented leather artists, will meticulously transform your vision into a unique product design. Following your specifications, we will craft the final product with precision and care, ensuring that your ideas are realized to their fullest potential.

Custom Designing Service

Bring your concepts to life with our bespoke leather goods design services. Our team, comprised of expert in-house designers, skilled leather technicians, and talented leather artists, will meticulously transform your vision into a unique product design. Following your specifications, we will craft the final product with precision and care, ensuring that your ideas are realized to their fullest potential.


Material Sourcing

Our team excels in procuring materials tailored to your specific needs, including but not limited to zippers, linings, and packaging solutions.


OEM/ODM Leather Goods

Top Quality OEM/ODM manufacturers in this industry, boasting over 38 years of experience in crafting premium leather goods. We specialize in producing high-quality products to meet your needs.


Numerous Leather Selection

Not sure what fits your needs?
Get free consultation or Factory Visit!

Experience you can trust, service you can count on. Abright – your partners in profit!

Principles of our work


Quality Control

Ensuring that each stage of the leather manufacturing process, from raw material selection to the final product, meets strict quality standards.



Upholding ethical practices in sourcing, manufacturing, and business operations, fostering trust with customers and partners.



Continuously improving and introducing new techniques and designs to stay ahead and lower the cost in the leather industry.

Our achievements

Abright is recognized as its excellence of quality and service.


Years in business


Top specialists


Completed projects


Industry awards

Why choose our company


We have honed our skills to deliver high-quality leather products.


We employ rigorous processing methods to ensure each product meets the highest standards of quality.


Our ability to tailor products to specific customer needs sets us apart from larger manufacturers.


Our leather products are designed to last, providing long-term value for your investment.

“By partnering with Abright, they ensure that our leather goods are crafted with care, precision, and a commitment to excellence.”

Michael Murphy

Co-founder, CEO

Bring your business to a new quality level! Get in touch now!